KDE Gear 24.08 Released: Unveiling a Host of Enhancements in the Latest Open-Source Software Suite

The KDE Project announced the release of KDE Gear 24.08 today, marking the newest version of the free and open-source suite of applications tailored for the KDE Plasma desktop and various GNU/Linux distributions.

Key improvements in KDE Gear 24.08 are evident in the Dolphin file manager, which now includes features to simplify the handling of files and folders needing administrative rights, installation wizards, options for privilege escalation, and a convenient “Move to New Folder…” functionality that enables the creation of a folder and simultaneous file movement.

The Konsole terminal emulator has been upgraded with an innovative bookmark feature that allows users to mark specific points in lengthy console outputs by double-clicking the scroll bar to set a marker that can be easily revisited later.

Updates to the renowned Kdenlive video editing software are also included in KDE Gear 24.08. Enhancements feature a new keyframe curve editor for effect customization, a revamped effects stack widget, a fresh grid layout, an upgraded Transform effect that enables direct clip selection from the monitor, and an enhanced handle design and functionality.

Kate, KDE’s advanced text editor, has enhanced its document formatting plugin, now offering superior support for various file types including bash, d, fish, Nix config, opsi-script, QML, and YAML. Additionally, it has incorporated new programming languages Gleam, PureScript, and Typst into its Language Server Protocol (LSP) feature. Its Project and Build plugin has witnessed significant improvements, allowing users to access the build directory for CMake-based projects and effectively manage files and targets.

Kongress, another KDE initiative tailored for conferences, has introduced support for indoor maps, enhancing navigational convenience at venues. Meanwhile, Falkon, KDE’s comprehensive web browser, has debuted a new feature empowering users to customize settings affecting privacy and functional aspects on a per-site basis.

“Say you don’t mind JavaScript on one site because the authors are trustworthy and it actually provides useful functionality, but you want to block it elsewhere for security reasons. You can now configure this in Falkon’s Settings,” the KDE Project stated in the release announcement.

The communication platforms NeoChat and Tokodon, integral parts of KDE Gear 24.08, have launched new capabilities aimed at enhancing user interaction and safety. NeoChat, a client for Matrix, now allows you to proactively refuse invitations from unfamiliar users not sharing any common chatrooms. Concurrently, Tokodon, which serves Mastodon users, introduces notification alerts for new user registrations on your server, aiding in more efficient management.

Further enhancements include advanced features for managing fillable PDF forms and an improved zoom functionality in the Okular document viewer. The Elisa music player now supports a “Play this next” option and allows for adjustments to the sidebar and playlist panels. Additionally, PlasmaTube includes a new setting to block sponsored content within videos.

KDE Gear 24.08 delivers numerous additional minor enhancements and bug corrections. For comprehensive insights into these updates, refer to the full changelog. Users are encouraged to monitor their preferred GNU/Linux distribution’s stable software repositories for the availability of KDE Gear 24.08 packages and to update their systems at the earliest convenience.

Last updated 12 hours ago



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