Ubuntu 24.04 LTS: First Point Release Now Available for Download

After a two-week delay, the first Ubuntu 24.04 LTS point release is now ready to download.

The first point release delivers an updated ISO, and sees direct upgrades from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS enabled.

Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS amalgamates all the bug fixes, security patches, kernel enhancements, and software updates issued since its initial launch in April into a fresh ISO.

These periodic updates to the ISO ensure that new users of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS won’t have to endure the process of downloading and applying numerous updates post-installation.

In addition, the new Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS installer images introduce a number of significant updates from their initial April release:

  • Modifications to seeded snaps (e.g., App Center, Firefox) tracks
  • OEM mode now available in desktop installer using autoinstall and GNOME Initial Setup
  • GNOME Initial Setup now also featured in Ubuntu 24.04.1 images for Raspberry Pi

While these enhancements are substantial, they are mostly relevant for the installation process, meaning that existing users won’t find themselves missing out. Adjustments in the seeded snaps track, in particular, are aimed at smoothing future LTS to LTS upgrades.

Moreover, the release of the first point update in a new LTS series is an important event for another reason.

Coming from 22.04?

20 Big Changes in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Beginning today, users on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS will start to be notified that an upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is available. A prompt will be shown that lets them do an in-place upgrade, carrying their apps, files, and settings with them.

Prior to now, the only way to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 from Ubuntu 22.04 was to do so manually using the command line, and without formal guarantees from Ubuntu developers that upgrades would completely successfully — and many did not.

Now users can upgrade from 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS officially using the built-in GUI upgrader rather than the Terminal, and comes with assurance that in-place upgrades should complete without any major issues — though, as ever, making backups is wise.

I already run Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, do I need to upgrade?

No, as there’s not really anything to “upgrade” to since (assuming you’ve been installing updates as and when released) you already have everything here. There are no major functional differences between the version you run, and the version just released.

Does Ubuntu 24.04.1 include a new Linux kernel version?

Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS ships with the Linux 6.8.x kernel, which is the same version found in the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ISO issued in April.

The upcoming Ubuntu point release will feature a newly updated Linux kernel and GPU drivers as part of its standard Hardware Enablement stack (HWE). This initiative allows for the back-porting of the kernel and graphics stack from the most recent short-term release to LTS users.

Expected next year, Ubuntu 24.04.2 will incorporate HWE from Ubuntu 24.10. Users of Ubuntu 24.04 will receive this update automatically through a regular software update, eliminating the need for a fresh installation.

Download Ubuntu 24.04.1 Point Release

For users upgrading from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, this update is now available.

The latest release of Ubuntu, 24.04.1 LTS, is now available for download. Users can access it directly from the official Ubuntu release server. While the Ubuntu homepage also provides the download, it might not be immediate as it sources the ISO from the release server once updated.

For Raspberry Pi enthusiasts, there’s no need to manually download the latest version through a web browser. The official Raspberry Pi Imager tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux now lists Ubuntu 24.04.1 as an option under the “Choose OS > General Purpose OS > Ubuntu” menu.

Additionally, users currently operating on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS have the option to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS. The update notification, ‘a new version of Ubuntu is available,’ will start appearing from today, although the exact time may vary.



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