KDE Plasma 6.0 Shines with Its Winning Default Wallpaper

The winner of the KDE Plasma 6.0 wallpaper competition has been announced.

In August of the previous year KDE developers initiated a contest that was open to the community to select a new default wallpaper for KDE Plasma 6.0.

The contest attracted quite a bit of interest, receiving numerous remarkable submissions from a variety of artists, illustrators, and other creative individuals, which made the task of picking a winner a challenging one for the judges.

The stakes were high.

As well as the prestige in seeing their artwork shipped as part of the KDE Plasma 6.0 release (arguably the real prize) the winning contributor also receives a swish new laptop from Framework (the modular-ish, upgradeable laptop company) — which ain’t too shabby, at all!

Behold the winning entry, which you can expect to see a lot more of as coverage of KDE Plasma 6.0 gathers pace the closer we get to its release:

Winning Entry Link 1

Winning Entry Link 2

Winner: KDE Plasma 6.0 default wallpaper

Pretty, isn’t it?

Even though the original contributions went into greater detail (such as capturing daytime birds and nocturnal stars), our panel of content experts were able to offer insights to the artists, allowing them to revise and update their work accordingly.

On a side note, I frequently perceive the KDE community to be rather artistic. This notion may stem from the widespread popularity of the esteemed open-source digital art application Krita, which is configured on Qt, among Linux digital artists I am acquainted with (who, of course, are Krita users) and KDE Plasma users in general.

Additional information on the award-winning contribution can be found on the KDE Discuss website. If you browse through the site, you will also happen upon the original thread filled with other submissions, which could be an excellent resource should you be in need of high-quality background images.

I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Share them with me in the comments section below!



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