Ubuntu 24.10 Provides Wayland Accessibility for NVIDIA Users

Ubuntu initially made the switch to use Wayland as its default display server in 2017, only to revert back the following year. It attempted again in 2021 and has remained consistent since then.

However, while Wayland is now the majority’s choice after installing Ubuntu, those using a PC or laptop with an NVIDIA graphics card are instead directed to an Xorg/X11 session.

The cause of this issue lies in NVIDIA’s proprietary graphics drivers. Many users, especially gamers, prefer these for their performance and access to full hardware capabilities. However, they haven’t been as supportive of Wayland as they could have been.

Fortunately, the situation has improved in recent years. NVIDIA has become more accommodating towards Wayland, partly because it is now a standard and a ‘maybe one day’ solution, and partly due to its own ambitions, benefits, and security considerations.

The NVIDIA and Wayland situation is now much improved, though it’s not yet perfect, according to this source. Canonical’s engineers are confident enough to make the Ubuntu Wayland session the default one for NVIDIA graphics card users in Ubuntu 24.10, as theyinform us.

The Engineering Director for Ubuntu Desktop acknowledges that they’re still ironing out a few glitches with this combination, and that’s why they didn’t want to incorporate it into Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Ubuntu Desktop is widely used in several industries, including AI/ML and VFX, so they didn’t want to rush things.

Interim releases, such as the upcoming Ubuntu 24.10, serve as platforms for testing significant changes planned for future long-term support releases. The sooner such a change is tested, the more real-world exposure it gets, and the more opportunities there are to rectify any potential issues.

You don’t have to wait for Ubuntu 24.10’s release in order to see how things are progressing; you can try Ubuntu Wayland on NVIDIA now. Depending on the release version and NVIDIA driver you’re using, you might need to temper your expectations and make a few config adjustments.

I don’t have an NVIDIA graphics hardware myself so I’m interested to hear from those of you who do: is this something you’re looking forward to? Or have you tried Wayland recently and found that support is still lacking? Let me know in the comments.



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