Audacity 3.6.2 Unveiled: A Comprehensive Update with Numerous Bug Fixes

The Audacity 3.6 debut in July introduced several sophisticated new features, notably the revamped Compressor and Limiter effects.

However, the removal of the previous versions of these tools did not sit well with everyone. Consequently, the developers of Audacity have reinstated the original versions in a subsequent update to the Audacity 3.6 stable series.

Users who prefer or are more accustomed to the original Limiter, Compressor, and Classic filters now have the option to utilize them in Audacity 3.6.2 through the “Legacy” effects category, applicable in both new and ongoing Audacity projects.

Audacity 3.6.2 also addresses a significant number of bugs, with corrections that have enhanced the overall functionality.

  • Exporting tracks with master effects sometimes results in silence
  • High CPU usage with Audacity when minimized
  • Application may freeze after performing an undo action
  • White screen occurrences in Audacity on certain systems
  • Pitch indicator vanishes on Linux when reaching double digits
  • Cut functionality does not transfer clips to clipboard
  • Paste action causes reset of clip names
  • User interface issues with track headers when adjusting stereo track channels
  • Issues with LV2 plugin recognition on macOS and Windows
  • Occasional failure in opening cloud projects
  • Problems with splitting stereo into mono

Discover additional enhancements (despite the issues listed, previous versions of the app were functional; not all users encountered these bugs, and they generally appeared under specific situations).

If you’re currently using Audacity 3.6, it’s recommended to update as soon as possible to enjoy a more stable and smoother editing experience.

For further information or to download this widely-used, free, open-source audio editor, visit the Audacity website. For Linux users, the application is available as an AppImage.

While you can discover Audacity on Flathub, note that it is not officially sanctioned, similarly to the Audacity snap, which has not seen updates since 2022 despite being the default suggestion in Ubuntu’s App Center upon searching for ‘Audacity’.



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