Category: Ai/Ml

  • Introducing the New $70 AI Add-On for Raspberry Pi 5: A Game Changer for Hobbyists and Developers

    Introducing the New $70 AI Add-On for Raspberry Pi 5: A Game Changer for Hobbyists and Developers

    The AI boom continues as Raspberry Pi enters the market with a new, economical module for machine learning designed for their renowned single-board computer. The Raspberry Pi AI Kit, priced at $70, features the company’s self-designed M.2 Hat board paired with a power-efficient AI module from Hailo, a firm known for its low-power AI chips…

  • Using the GNOME Extension to Access Gemini AI in Ubuntu

    Using the GNOME Extension to Access Gemini AI in Ubuntu

    If you use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or later and want to access the Google Gemini AI chatbot straight from your desktop outside of a web browser, you’re in luck! The Gemini AI ChatBot GNOME Shell extension (unaffiliated with Google; it’s not an official thing) gives you immediate access to Gemini at any time from the…

  • Warp: The New Rust-Based Terminal with AI Now Accessible on Linux

    Warp: The New Rust-Based Terminal with AI Now Accessible on Linux

    Linux developers have a new toy to play with, Warp. Warp is a (currently) closed-source terminal emulator built using the Rust programming language. It provides hardware acceleration, integrated AI, collaborative functions, and employs a “block” based methodology to group commands and output, which sets it apart from conventional console-based tools. In addition, for text input,…

  • Introducing AI Audio Effects to Audacity: Featuring Voice Transcription

    Introducing AI Audio Effects to Audacity: Featuring Voice Transcription

    Intel has rolled out a series of AI effects for the open-source sound editor Audacity. Intel’s OpenVINO AI plugins for Audacity, as they’re officially called, are designed to function offline and locally, so there’s no need for cloud servers, registrations, or subscriptions to use them, you just need sufficiently good hardware! Among the included are…