Category: Kde Gear 24.12
KDE Gear 24.12.3: Exciting Enhancements for Dolphin, Konsole, Tokodon, Itinerary, Kasts, and More!
The KDE Project has released KDE Gear 24.12.3, marking the final maintenance update for the KDE Gear 24.12 software suite. This update aims to enhance stability and usability across various KDE applications by addressing several bugs reported by users. Among the key improvements in this release is the expanded functionality of KDE Itinerary, particularly in…
KDE Gear 24.12.2: Enhancements for Dolphin, Itinerary, Tokodon, and a Host of Other KDE Applications
The KDE Project has announced the release of KDE Gear 24.12.2, which serves as the second maintenance update for the KDE Gear 24.12 series. This update includes numerous enhancements and bug fixes for various KDE applications, including Dolphin, Itinerary, and Tokodon, among others. This release comes nearly a month after KDE Gear 24.12.1 and addresses…