GUADEC 2024: Denver to Host GNOME 46 Desktop Conference

GNOME Foundation announced today the dates and location for their annual GNOME Users and Developers European Conference (GUADEC) conference in 2024.

Every year, GUADEC gathers GNOME users and developers from all over the world to share knowledge and discuss the new features and changes of the next major release of the GNOME desktop environment.

GUADEC 2024 will take place in Denver, Colorado, from July 19th until July 24th, and it’s for the upcoming GNOME 46 series, which is slated for release on March 20th, 2024.

Like previous GUADEC events, GUADEC 2024 will offer a hybrid model where attendees can join in person or remotely. If you’re joining in person, you should know that the conference will take place at the Auraria Campus, which is located near downtown Denver.

Situated against the stunning backdrop of the Rocky Mountains, Denver is known as the “Mile High City” due to its elevation, said the GNOME Foundation. With a thriving tech community, diverse neighborhoods, and a rich cultural scene, Denver provides the perfect backdrop for GUADEC 2024.

GUADEC will be filled with open-source collaboration, insightful discussions, and community building where attendees will showcase, discuss, and plan the upcoming features that will land in the GNOME 46 desktop environment series, as well as in future releases.

Attending the event is free of charge, but registration is required, whether you attend in person or online. The call for proposals and registration will open soon. For more details, check out the official GUADEC website.

Until then, January 2024 will kick off with the alpha release of GNOME 46, allowing us to get an early taste of the new features to be expected in the next major GNOME release. The beta version is scheduled for mid-February and the Release Candidate (RC) milestone will arrive in early March 2024.

Image credits: GNOME Project

Last updated 4 hours ago



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