Ubuntu 25.04 Set to Transition to a New PDF Application: What You Need to Know

Ubuntu is set to enhance its document viewing capabilities with the upcoming release of Ubuntu 25.04, named ‘Plucky Puffin’. This update marks the transition from the long-standing PDF viewer, Evince, to a new application called Papers.

Papers is described as a modern GTK4/libadwaita document viewer that offers features such as viewing, searching, and annotating various file formats, with PDF being the most common. The decision to replace Evince stems from the challenges faced in updating the existing application while maintaining its user familiarity.

Evince has been a reliable tool for many Ubuntu users, but significant modifications were needed to bring it up to date with current technologies and GNOME design standards. Developers recognized that extensive code changes would lead to numerous incompatibilities, prompting them to create a new project. This new direction, Papers, allows them to innovate without disrupting the existing Evince user experience.

The goal for Papers is to evolve into a core GNOME application over time, although it is not fully finalized yet. It has recently gained traction in the Ubuntu community, where it has been decided to preinstall Papers as the default document viewer for release, contingent on user feedback.

For those eager to try out Papers before its official incorporation in 25.04, the application is currently available on Flathub, welcoming Ubuntu users to explore its features ahead of the release next April.

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