Ubuntu Summit 2024: Location and Date Details Revealed

Fancy rubbing shoulders with the great and the good in the Ubuntu community, learning new things, seeing cool demos, and perhaps getting a bit merry with your fellow geeks?

If so, make a date to attend the Ubuntu Summit, which this year is being held in The Hague, the Netherlands, from October 25-27th.

As always, the Ubuntu Summit is free to attend, though you do need to register.

Since returning in 2022, the in-person Ubuntu Summit has helped to revive the spirit, camaraderie, and general joie de vivre so beloved of the original, physical Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) which was last held in 2012.

Ubuntu Summit isn’t simply a means for Ubuntu’s core devs to talk shop, code crunch, and debug developments in real time, in-person.

It also provides a vital means for regular Ubuntu users, enthusiasts, and potential future contributors to get together IRL and share their passion, build and solidify personal connections, and generally chill out and have fun with like-minded people.

Also, the schedule is packed with a diverse range of talks from open-source projects, developers, and companies – talks which generate chatter, provide inspiration, and help move the needle in adopting new techs or standards.

Booths, a staple at many other open-source conferences, are coming to Ubuntu Summit 2024. These aren’t sales booths, more promo ops: an information a way for projects to show off the things they’re doing to attendees, attract contributors, gather feedback, etc.

More details on Ubuntu Summit 2024 are due to be revealed in the coming weeks. Registration will (presumably) open soon too – so I’ll keep you posted!



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